look ahead

prospectus futura

Find out what 2021 has in store for you with a

13 Card Tarot Reading for the year ahead.

Get 1 card for each month, plus, 1 theme card for 2021.

Your intuitively selected cards are drawn from an assortment of unique tarot decks. You'll receive 13 cards along with a detailed interpretation of each.


1. Use each card for a journaling prompt every month to dive deeper into the current world around you and the vast Universe inside you.

2. Hang your cards up as inspirational reminders. Each card is a mini work of art! Let it stir your creativity.

3. Do your own research to learn more about reading Tarot beginning one card at a time. Revisit your Theme card regularly to see how it relates to your life throughout the year.

Hi, my name is Nicole Colton, and I'm the Boss Witch behind QUARTZ + COAL. I'm so excited to look ahead into 2021 with you.

I hope you feel the magic in your reading and enjoy exploring it as much as I love creating it. I can't wait to share it with you!

Nicole Colton

Boss Witch

look into the future with PROSPECTUS FUTURA!

    Only 7 readings available. Deadline to purchase a reading is 12/31/20, while supplies last. We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.